Local Businesswomen Inspire Future Leaders
Students from Isca Academy in Exeter have started taking part in Empowering Girls mentoring sessions this term.
A selection of Year 9 girls are working with inspirational local businesswomen who have volunteered their time for six weeks to support the school’s developing Careers Programme. The aim is to have the programme running throughout the year so that as many girls as possible are able to take part.
Some of the current mentors include women who work in the NHS and at the Met Office and they are providing the girls with one to one support as they consider their next steps and careers. The mentors hope to build up the girls' communication skills and confidence to help them while they are still at school and in the future. The mentoring arrangement can also lead to work experience placements come Year 10.
The Empowering Girls programme has been designed to support girls with their confidence, raise aspirations and provide students with positive female role models. Student feedback about the programme has been positive with participants saying that the sessions have given them the opportunity to talk about what they are good at, helped them to think about their future education and career path and encouraged them to consider jobs they hadn’t thought of before.
The school has a careers programme which weaves through their curriculum, giving students learning purpose and context. Their careers programme aims to build aspirations for all students, support inclusion through challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity and develop enterprise, and entrepreneurial skills.
Other schools in the Ted Wragg Trust are also taking part in the programme, including West Exe School, St James School, St Lukes Church of England School, Honiton Community College, Sidmouth College and All Saints Academy Plymouth.
Mrs Vicki Joyce, Headteacher at Isca Academy said:
"I am delighted to see our Year 9 students engaging with the Empowering Girls mentoring programme. It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to be guided by inspirational women from a variety of fields. We are committed to ensuring that as many girls as possible benefit from this programme, empowering them to aspire to great things and pursue their ambitions with determination."
Moira Marder, CEO of the Ted Wragg Trust said:"I’m thrilled that so many of our students are participating in the Empowering Girls programme. A huge thank you to all the mentors that are volunteering their time, they are not only equipping girls with the skills to succeed in the workplace and in life, but also offering them a valuable glimpse into a wide range of career opportunities."