Johnny Mercer MP visits Marine Academy Primary to discuss road safety concerns

Marine Academy Primary in Plymouth, part of the Ted Wragg Trust, welcomed local Member of Parliament The Rt Hon Johnny Mercer into the school on Friday the 1st of December to talk about road safety.
His visit followed on from Road Safety Week, which ran from the 19th to the 25th of November and centred around raising awareness of the dangers of excess or inappropriate speed and helping people understand why safe speeds are so vital for safe and healthy journeys.
The school invited Mr Mercer to come along for himself and see some of the traffic issues caused by the public turning right during pick up and drop off times. He also spoke to some pupil members of the Academy Parliament to hear their ideas.
Mr Mercer has been the MP for Plymouth Moor View since 2015 and he currently holds the Government post of Minister of State (Cabinet Office) (Minister for Veterans' Affairs).
Nicola Keeler and Georgina Reid Co Headteachers at Marine Academy Primary said:
“We are really grateful to Mr Mercer for taking the time to visit us and meet with representatives of our Academy Parliament. It was great for them to be able to share their concerns about road safety in person and for them to hear about how to affect change on issues they care about.”
Moira Marder, CEO of the Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust said:
“It was brilliant to hear that Mr Mercer went along to Marine Academy Primary to meet with pupils. It’s so important for local members of parliament to hear from those in the community about what matters to them, and I am proud of our Academy Parliament pupils for articulating themselves to him so well.”